Sunday, May 24, 2015


Henry treats his crib like a trampoline. 
When he wakes up in the morning or from naps he is happy and hopping. 

I love his laugh!

Sometimes he tries eating his meal with his eyes closed. He will feel around for his food or his cup. It always makes me laugh. 

A blur

I've been behind in my blogging, and as I've tried to catch up I keep noticing that many of my pictures are blurry because Henry is moving ALL the time (and the fact that I'm using my phone's camera). He is very energetic and always on the go.

 So I'm dedicating this post to blurry-Henry-in-motion-photos. 

Exciting Times!

 1. The tulips are blooming at the Botanical Gardens. They are so pretty!

2. Carousel rides at the zoo!

A little apprehensive...

 3. Weekend with cousins!

Give this kid a pile of bark chips and he couldn't be happier. 

 4. Sam passed the CFP test!!!!

5. Being less than 2 weeks away from my due date! I wish all parking lots had these (not just Babies R US):

6. Henry's new haircut!

7. Sam ran in his first 5K race!

8. Our backyard swimming pool!

9. Going on walks with dad!

10. Henry: "This stick is dirty. I better wash it."

11. Henry is completely free of his binky. He doesn't need it to fall asleep or anytime during the day!

Moments to laugh about

Henry does some pretty quirky things sometimes. He really likes shoes, and likes to put surprises in shoes for the owner to find. One morning Sam found all of these items in his running shoe.

We find our shoes in some strange places around the house...

Henry absolutely loves spoons, any size or color. He wants to take them everywhere he goes and he even sleeps with them. Here is one of my measuring spoons.

One Saturday we went to Purina Farms, which among other things has farm animals. Henry's favorite animal is a cow, which he pronounces: dow (he yells it every time he sees a cow in a book or toy).  We saw all the farm animals up close, but out of everything that we saw, the cow statue made him the MOST EXCITED. Not the real cow, the fake one. Go figure!

I am trying to learn how to sew and put my Christmas present of a sewing machine to good use, so I took Henry to a fabric store to pick out some fabric to make pillow covers for our couch. I was really indecisive about what fabric to buy, so in order to keep himself occupied this is how Henry passed the time:

He has recently enjoyed the new perspective of seeing things upside down.

After every meal, he insists on stacking all of his dishes up on his tray. It's very sweet of him to do, but sometimes it takes a long time. He never seems to get discouraged if it falls down. He'll just keep trying, and he finally got it to stay!

Spring is here

I love that there are so many parks around St. Louis that we can go to. When we used to take Henry to the park he would pay no attention to the playground equipment, but rather go straight towards an open grassy area. He loves to run around, pull out grass or any other living plant, look for sticks, rocks, leaves, garbage, and play in bark chips, dirt, water or mud.

I'm learning to let him get dirty and play. It's hard for me to do because I am naturally a very clean and tidy person. But I think it's good for him to explore his world. So I take a deep breath and say to myself--let him play. 

 Now that he has better gross motor skills, he can climb more on the playground equipment and enjoys the park even more. 

Cabin Fever

Despite having lots of toys to play with, cabin fever set in. Henry passed the time by making messes. He wouldn't play with the toys, he would just take them all out and then trip over them as he tried to walk around.  

He would bring his books over to the sliding glass door just to get a little vitamin D. 

These gel stickers entertained him for a while. He loved the texture of them and being able to squish them in his hands. 

We finally ventured out to a new place to play indoors: The Frisco Train Store. It's called a store, but it is mostly a play area with train tables galore. Henry LOVES cars and trains so he was as happy as a clam while we were here. 

He didn't stay in one area for long. There were just too many exciting areas to visit!

I've been trying to give him opportunities to color with crayons. He loves the crayons, but doesn't use them to color. He likes to name the colors and occasionally eat large chunks of them. If I try to draw on his paper he becomes very upset and wants you to give his crayon back. He is pretty possessive of his crayons, so watch out!

I can't wait until nice weather comes!